Global Legal Solutions

Mousse Abdi

Mousse Abdi

Mousse Abdi

Economic researcher


Mousse Abdi is an experienced economic researcher who holds a Master’s degree in Development Economics from Assosa University in Ethiopia. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Industrial Economics at Jimma University, Ethiopia. His research interests include international economics, intellectual property law, and development. Throughout his career, Mousse has made major contributions to the discipline by publishing multiple research publications on these topics. His knowledge and ideas have made him an invaluable resource in the academic and scientific circles. His expertise has positioned him as a highly regarded figure in educational and scientific communities. He is an integral member of our law firm, where he conducts research and provides reports on startup-related issues and his specialized areas. Together with Mohamed Hassan, he has co authored articles on the internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

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